2 definitions by KittyEatPills

A drug similar to Ritalin but is much stronger. Use to help with ADHD, but can be used as a rec. drug.
I bought 4 dex for $2 in school. I took them at the dance and it made me hyper-and really jittery. I almost ODed I was having hallucinations. Next moring I was really tired and depressed for 5 days.
by KittyEatPills November 22, 2004
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The best drink ever better than coca cola. Cocaine is the only reason why there's so much Coca Cola addicts.
1 = "Wow. This is the best thing I ever drank in my life! What is it"
2 = I dont know! But its defenitly not Coca Cola!!!
by KittyEatPills November 22, 2004
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