french conjagated verb used with ne to mean not
by anonymouse April 21, 2005
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A person who is known for their bitter odour. Personality traits include:
Expert at Bejewelled
A fondness for mushrooms
Hairy nipples
'And that means, time for cranberry juice!' Said the Pas.
by Poopas September 27, 2012
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1. Abbreviation for Pennsylvania.
2. Abbreviation for Personal/Production Assistant
3. Alternate spelling of "paw," which is slang for "Dad"
1. I live out in PA.
2. I do mostly PA work on sets.
3. Hey pa, why you always yellin at ma?
by Doug Youg December 16, 2008
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Abbreviation for Pennsylvania.
The individual letters are pronounced seperately, not mixed like a word.
I won't be back from Pittsburgh PA until tuesday.
by Zak Zennii July 20, 2005
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