13 definitions by Zak Zennii

A link on a web page that leads to an advertiser instead of what it says it leads to. These are obscenely common on TGP sites, often linking the user not to more pictures similar to the thumbnail, like you'd expect, but instead, to another TGP or paysite.
I tired to click on the thumbnail of an amazing hottie, but it was just another damned fraudulink.
by Zak Zennii March 26, 2007
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Contraction of You and Ones, Similar in usage and definition to y'all, but local to south-western Pennsylvania, including Pittsburgh.

Alternate spellings:
Are you'nz gonna ride rollercoasters at Kennywood?
by Zak Zennii July 24, 2005
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The way one walks when on a third plateau dxm dose, characterized by slow, jerky shuffling of feet across the floor.
So-called because movements can seem robotic, and this state is often achieved through high doses of Robitussin™.
Jon was dexing so hard he did the robo-shuffle.
by Zak Zennii April 28, 2006
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A pot-pipe with so many parts strung together that it classifies as a Rube Goldberg machine.

A ridiculous must be at least 12" (30cm) from the bowl to the mouthpiece.
Jon spent ten minutes assembling the ridiculous before we could smoke.
by Zak Zennii July 20, 2005
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An adjective to describe any of truly wonderful thing from Apple.
1. Grape iMacs are mac-a-licious.
2. iPods are mac-a-licious.
3. Attractive people walking around with iPods are mac-a-licious.

4. Apple's intel-based machines are NOT mac-a-licious.
by Zak Zennii January 6, 2006
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A Unix / Linux / BSD Manual page.
Accessed from the console, using the man command.
Dude, read the fricking manpage!
by Zak Zennii July 20, 2005
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