
the preempt or response to 'holler' from your homie.
greeting: "Holler!"
response: "Yellin!"
by wormz November 29, 2007
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A very vocal lover shouting screams , moans, and exclamations of joy in the throngs of passion that are not only heard by the lusty lovers but also by the unfortunate ( or fortunate) neighbors
I got no sleep last night since damn Yellin ellen was at it again.
by Dr Fred January 4, 2020
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Yellin counter

Usually in an apartment, the counter top for the kitchen that acts as a separation barrier for the living room and kitchen and can be yelled over.
Jim slapped both his hands on the yellin counter and said, “HEY, STOP FUCKIN AROUND IN THERE IM TRYIN TO MAKE TWICE BAKED TATERS IN HERE”
by D8ve November 10, 2019
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Yellin' Melon

A sexual act where a man gives himself a titjob with a woman's melons while his butt is positioned either on or near her face. The "yelling" aspect is induced by the man farting or defecating on the woman's face which will likely lead to yelling unless she's into that sort of thing. In that case the Yellin' Melon cannot be properly achieved.
Ethel: "Oh my God Gertrude, why did you break up with Archibald?"

Gertrude: "He pulled a Yellin' Melon on me last night... after having eaten Indian food."
by Waaaat?! September 2, 2015
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The Yellin Beef Claw

Originally created to describe a more practical version of an unpopular sexual manuever called the "New Jersey Hook". The Yellin Beef Claw has several improvements over its uncomfortable and impractical predecessor. It's application is described as follows: First, the thumb is lubricated and inserted full length into the woman's anal tract during "doggie-style" sex. The meat of the hand is then wrapped around the ass cheek and, once a firm grip has been established, the full strength of the upper extremity can be used to pull the woman's body back and forth on the man's penis. Two hands may be used as well for added effect (AKA The Double YBC or The Shotgun Formation).
I gave her the Yellin Beef Claw last night and she loved it!!
by Peter DiGiovanni July 27, 2004
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Samuel S Yellin

A school full of the most brain dead idoits ever, when you attend u wish you stayed in the other schools. Not as bad as Lidenwold but very close. The teachers get pregnat every chance they get and miss half the school year and whats called a "pep rally" is really some dumbass kids just sitting there with thier hands under their ass. The "win the day saying "is bullshit because after going to one bad school you either go to Sterling or Lindenwold which isnt any better really. The basketball team was good for one year, the baseball team is for some dumbass reason good every year, and the soccer teams are playing against teams from school who dont know what 1+1 is(Magnolia). Every year 90% of the students still think that the word "oof" is funny
"OH, you went to Samuel S Yellin?"

"Yea and?"

"Oh you must be fucking stupid"
by Ajegsndjs February 6, 2023
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