The pangle man started his own business; They run the company, they are pangle people. That suit looks very pangle.
by chazstone November 15, 2019
(Noun): The angle at which one sucks their own penis.
(Verb): The act of sucking off oneself.
(Noun): Addison.
(Verb): The act of sucking off oneself.
(Noun): Addison.
Ex: Hey what pangle do you normally use?
Well, if it's a SUNDAY, I usually suck at about 35°.
Ex: Sometimes I pangle myself when I'm bored.
Well, if it's a SUNDAY, I usually suck at about 35°.
Ex: Sometimes I pangle myself when I'm bored.
by Qwertywow123! June 24, 2020
Another word for a penis
by mac12341 January 11, 2010
I was sitting with my boyfriend on the couch when he got a smirk on his face started to pangle me by shoving his hands down my pants trying to get me to giz.
by eatmorchiken October 4, 2008
(verb) to move in a way similar to a pangolin; crawling for a few steps and then rolling, and then crawling again
by poisonedfang February 15, 2023
Short for "pee-angle" - the angle at which you direct urine while peeing at a urinal. Used to minimize amount of urine that bounces back onto your pants.
by richard pennywright October 19, 2013
The padding motion a cat makes with its paws just before it decides to sit/lie down. In humans: the motions one makes to achieve a comfortable position for example on the sofa or in bed
V. - to pangle = to rub against someone/something (consciously or unconsciously) to achieve a state of comfort
V. - to pangle = to rub against someone/something (consciously or unconsciously) to achieve a state of comfort
Boy: 'for fuck's sake stop pangling, I'm trying to sleep'
Girl: 'but I thought you liked it when I pangle...'
Boy: 'yeah well I lied didn't I?!'
Girl: 'I just don't know you any more' *weeps gently into pillow*
Girl: 'but I thought you liked it when I pangle...'
Boy: 'yeah well I lied didn't I?!'
Girl: 'I just don't know you any more' *weeps gently into pillow*
by freshprince202 June 1, 2011