Post-Cognitive Recognition.

Term used to define the heightened sense of awareness one has to a subject following their initial exposure to it.
"Classic PCR moment...I'd never even heard of the Indian poet/philosopher Tagore until yesterday and in the 24 hours since then I've heard 3 different people make reference to him".
by Dr RK Stanley August 7, 2009
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Post-coital remorse. The same feeling you get from eating too much oily Indian food and/or chocolate chip cookie tubs from Stop 'n' Shop.
Went up for my fifth serving at the Indian buffet, and it was total PCR, man.
by SangRayJuvEd March 7, 2011
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Politically Correct Retard;

Anyone who tells you you're homophobic when you call something/someone gay.

Most of the time these days the words 'gay, fag, and queer' aren't even directed at homosexuals anymore. Hell, I call anyone who pisses me off a fag and so does everyone else. Get over it. People say fag, queer, gay and homo all the time so don't get you're panties in a knot when you hear it. I have no problem with homosexuals and a lot of people who say 'fag' don't.
Me: Damn, that stupid gay was being such a gay, why did he kick us out?
Friend: Probably because he's a gay little queer homo.
Me: - bunch of fags.

Some PCR: You homophobes! I bet you're secretly gay yourselves. How dare you say such words!? I'm calling the police!
by alex B August 11, 2004
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A PCR most often occurs during the morning after the butt sex. The poor violated, shacker girl leaves the apartment and begins her journey on the walk of shame. It is at this point in which the male, comes out of his room, with a grin of victory and self satisfaction, and releases the evils of his ass into the Earth's atmosphere. After holding in the all of his farts, the PCR can occur and his ass will stop hurting.
Man, did you here Big Stinky's PCR this morning?

Oh yea I did!
by thrillini February 9, 2010
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Prefect Common Room. Unheated shithole of the school, swarming place of those who find the necessity to discuss modern politics in a habitat that conforms neither to health and safety standards or shannonation. Jos' habitat for doing the Times Crossword.
Im off to the PCR, I hope I dont die
by ReadySebbyGo January 27, 2005
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Its a school. Its better than Pcy and Lce YeEt.
Do you go to Pcr? You Must be a legendary fortiniter.

YeA I aM
by May takeaway the A +A+A May 23, 2019
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A catastrophic assertion of false science as the Polymerase Chain Reaction has been to covid 19.
‘shit! I’m being PCR-Ed! Anthropocentric climate change is as real as covid-19!’
by fishyfishy-oh November 28, 2020
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