by Soba sassy May 15, 2019
pornographic material; to be used in the presence of parents or those whom you don't want to know about your porn viewing
by Bubb Rubb October 19, 2003
When you have been trying to beat Urban Dictionary for the past 5 hours and try to type in every key from the bottom left to top right going up each column. If you have gotten to this point, then you suck and are a loser. Have a nice day scrub!
by Mario128843 June 8, 2017
by urmumisapotato January 27, 2017
when you're sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo bored you decide to write in any patterns on your keyboard.
by brainibbbbb May 11, 2018
Get the 1qazxsw23edcvfr45tgbnhy67ujm,ki89ol./;p0 mug.