One of the three major forms of fossil fuel which today give to much control to OPEC while making life difficult for western democracies who are now very sorry that they didn't develop alternative energy sources 10 years ago.
The use of solar energy has not been opened up because the oil industry does not own the sun.

by zoyroy August 6, 2008
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A myth, thought to have been discovered once but was then consumed a few mins later by America and starving Ethiopians who thought it was chocolate pudding.
Mmmmm, this pudding is good, don't you think Shaska?
by Connor August 5, 2004
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1. Slang term for hydrocarbons extracted from very small inter granular spaces found in huge chunks of the earth.
2. Generally thought to be in a near worldwide state of depletion.
3. Actually exists almost everywhere.
4. Approximately 3000 billion barrels of recoverable oil (using current technology).
5. Current tech is capable of extracting 15 % of OOIP (Original Oil In Place)
6. Something you retards know nothing about, but like asking for money from mommy and daddy to fill up your get up and go vehicles with.
7. Something some retarded people believe we can cart away from Iraq on the backs of soldiers.
8. Something the Middle East has plenty of and is used by those countries to control the world with out sharing with common citizens ie: Saddam’s Iraq.
The public (YOU): ahhhhhhhh!!!!! We are running out of oil

Knowledgeable person: Shut the hell up; go back to school and take some real science courses like Math, Chemistry and Geology instead of that touchy feely crap like Liberal Arts. Then you can figure out when we are running out of oil instead of listening to the retards in the media and left wing, power hungry, conspiracy spouting nut job environmentalists or is that too much work for you?
by NerdToTheEnd March 10, 2007
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A term used to describe food that was exceptionally good.
Hey bro how was that cheesesteak you got?
Oh man that was straight oil!
by Thebig-gifted April 7, 2019
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i used oil in the pan to fry the french fries
by A random piece of cardboard August 26, 2020
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When something (usually a food product) is incredibly good.
This burger is fucking oil dude
by Cr184 October 24, 2020
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Sorry, but the word that you are searching has been seized by the order of the Ministry of Defence of the United States.
Instead of O- I mean this removed thing, why not check out KFC?


An oil is any nonpolar chemical substance that is a viscous liquid at ambient temperatures and is both hydrophobic (does not mix with water, literally "water fearing") and lipophilic (mixes with other oils, literally "fat loving"). Oils have a high carbon and hydrogen content and are usually flammable and surface active.

The general definition of oil includes classes of chemical compounds that may be otherwise unrelated in structure, properties, and uses. Oils may be animal, vegetable, or petrochemical in origin, and may be volatile or non-volatile.1 They are used for food (e.g., olive oil), fuel (e.g., heating oil), medical purposes (e.g., mineral oil), lubrication (e.g. motor oil), and the manufacture of many types of paints, plastics, and other materials. Specially prepared oils are used in some religious ceremonies and rituals as purifying agents.
Murica: "I will make a GREAT WALL!"
*Wall finishes building*
Mexican Media: "We have reports that OIL has been discovered in our land!"
Murica: "Did I just hear OIL?"
Mexico: Me no habla engles."
*Mexico is now the 51st state of the United States of America*

Kid: "Daddy, what stuff does a lubricant have?"
Dad: "Oh son, you're gonna love democracy for this. They have OIL."
Kid: "Can we go somewhere and get them?"
Dad: "Sure son, lets go to the Middle East and buy some oil."
*Dad whispers "Actually, I mean seize them."*
Kid: "What?"
Dad: "Nothing, son."
by JollyMac November 22, 2018
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