A "snake oil" product intended to enhance da health, longevity, and "slippery" status of da infamous two-pronged speaking-appendage of a habitually-less-than-truthful person.
Since tongue oil is intended for a forked food-manipulator like a snake has, perhaps this same extract-of-cobra elixir (or maybe it could be spelled "elicksir" in this case, since dat's one of da main purposes of da bodily organ on which said restorative lubricant is used) could also be applied to someone's "trouser snake" by his romantic partner, to preserve said organ's smooth/supple/spongy qualities and thus maintain a pleasant "mouth feel" for said main squeeze when administering a blowjob. One would hope dat said topical ointment possesses a pleasant-or-at-least-neutral flavor, since performing fellatio on a body-part to which you just applied a rejuvenating substance would literally be giving you a taste of your own medicine!
by QuacksO September 4, 2022
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Where you fuck a girl in the ass long enough to where her ass leaks on your balls
Bro1: Bro i fucked her ass to long I got oil nuts

Bro2: wtf bro that nasty
by Savers of the universe November 16, 2017
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Joel had unprotected sex with Keisha on the first Saturday of October two weeks later he was pissing an hot ass oil treatment from his urethra
by Dr.mud September 30, 2023
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When you messing up. Basically burning oil. How a old car burns oil.
fuck, Hakop is burning oil he can't get girl's like before.
by Mr. Lincoln May 7, 2017
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1.small sections where oil is extracted

2. A man's big cock
1. We just made another oil reserve
2. I need to drink milk before I run out of oil in my oil reserve.
by ZCdsac saf November 23, 2015
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A phrase used in parts of Yorkshire, mainly in South Yorkshire as a way to tell someone that they need to shut thier face
Bob: "blah blah blah, random bollocks"
Jim: "Put wood in t' oil will thy, you're getting on me wick"
by Proper Sheffield lad July 30, 2021
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