A man who lies about his life, who he loves and anything else that comes out of his mouth or from his fingertips.
Obliviot is a lying, cheating idiot.
by Ganjamom October 30, 2003
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A person who has no friends. Annoys the hell out of everyone they meet. And is GAY
When someone you hate starts to talk to you. "dude your a fucking obliviot."
by josh p7. January 15, 2009
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Oblivious idiots. People who are completely unaware of their surroundings, even though they should be.
I almost ran over that obliviot when she crossed the street without even looking.
by 1310 Ticket October 5, 2006
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Justin Bieber and Lindsay Lohan are in a dead heat for "Obliviot of the Year."
by Steven Herraiz January 24, 2014
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An oblivious idiot. An absent minded individual with no sense of situation awareness.
The guy in front of you that fills his cup, drinks some, then fills it to the top again, takes a drink, fills it AGAIN... what an obliviot.
by Katwoman2014 November 19, 2013
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Rudely unaware of one's surroundings; Often obnoxious; Deep in ones Own
"I was tired of listening to his stupid conversation while I was in line, what an Obliviot!" "That Obliviot took two parking spaces because she dork?"
by JOD1414 December 5, 2019
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