Imagine Dragons, Maroon 5, any Disney Channel or Nickelodeon boy band, 5 Seconds Of Summer, The 1975, One Direction, Rixton, Maneskin, Glass Animals, and the Jonas Brothers.
Silk: Imagine Dragons are the best alternative rock band of all time!

Alex: They are not rock, hardly even alternative. They are electropop. They're a normie rock band. Therefore you are a normie. Listen to Green Day, Linkin Park, Avril Lavigne, etc. They're alternative rock.
by Raspberry Necessary 35 February 27, 2022
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when someone caters to normies.

examples are making content that is written or produced in laymen terms and easily digestible with the sole intent to reach or appeal to a wide target audience.
> did you watched that new micheal reeves video?

< naw he’s just normie catering.
by frinto April 5, 2023
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bunch of fuckin' chads starting the 'O-H-I-O' chant in columbus while flagging down the bartenders shouting their bud light orders to them
"Bethany blew a bunch of normies in the bathroom at Standard Hall and now she has mouth herpes"
by kk&rick June 22, 2021
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The most tamed and normal type of fictional villain. One who is evil but does not think or act seriously evil.
One notable example of a normie villain is Gru from the Despicable Me franchise (which is very popular among normies).
by CelticEagle August 14, 2019
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The peak of all insults, 20 times more effective than Ur Grandpap a Trap and Ur Granny Tranny.
"Ur Mom Gay"

"Ur Dad Lesbian"

"Ur Granny Tranny"

"Ur Grandpap a Trap"

"Ur Uncle Normie Non Conformie"...

A new universe is created and we surpass alien life.
by Woxie March 14, 2018
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