School is woodbury minnesota. A hell hole. New life academy is a school we’re your not allowed to wear jackets. The upper room, the worship center, and the attic are the #1 recommended hookup spots at new life.
Ya bro we smashed but got caught at new life academy.
by Browniepop February 7, 2019
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A community-made rule common in almost all RP servers in the popular standalone mod Garry's Mod

Each time you die you start a new life--all your previous memories are lost.

It is the most important Roleplaying rule of them all, it is what keeps the game at RP level. It would not be fun if a crook kills a cop and that same cop returns over and over again.

Though a lot of admins and players have problems making MingeBags understand and follow this rule.
by Glazastik June 6, 2010
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"Welcome to New Life Christian Fellowship! Where Jesus is Lord and People are Silenced!" - Dictator
by Made It Out Alive September 10, 2008
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1. Grab a potato
2. Cut it up and place it all over your body
3. say the ancient potato ritual
transcend into the potato lands
Some day,i wanna learn how to become potato and rise to new life.
by thatonesexymotherfucker February 2, 2016
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a substantially improved prospect of life or use after rejuvenation or repair. Mainly used whenever someone is arguing with someone and they get all cranky
Zilkon: "Dont argue with me."
Drifter: "No."
Zilkon: "I'll make you wake up tomorrow with a new lease on life if u keep arguing with me 🙎"
by Utaken2underscores January 4, 2024
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People don't want new life breathed into something, they were happy enough with their old dysfunctional abnormal lives.
His/her old life was a life he/she was already happy with, and didn't need new life.
by The Original Agahnim August 5, 2021
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a book written by a fourteen year old girl over her school breaks. 157 pages long, about vampire in love with another vampire, and forgetting her terrible past. She remembers the terrible past while learning about her new thirst. such as her fellow coven member jill, being her daughter.
"Have you read This new life yet?!"
by Erika Moussienetly June 26, 2009
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