An expression that men use that means "My purpose in life." Refers to Adam and the garden of Eden. See "Everything is Broken" by the OC Supertones
This was my garden, I made it die, its asking me why.

I brought it death and I gave it hell and there grew a cross, to mark where I fell.

A day will come when, Adam again,
will pay for my sin.
by dfault June 30, 2004
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when a female asks someone to play with them until they cum they will sometimes ask them to milk their garden
I am so horny right at the moment, milk my garden now!
by Garden Milker July 15, 2009
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When someone uses a common dinner fork to pick pubic lice (Crabs) out of their partners pubic hair.
Phil: Hey can you rake my garden for me?

Cal: No but heres a fork you can do it yourself
by John Q. Pubic April 26, 2006
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When you wake up after a night of being a Sub and finding an object in your asshole the next morning.
by lordofthighs March 11, 2019
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When a guy performs oral sex on a woman.
Girl A: (texts girl B) "what are you doing? "
Girl B: "sorry, can't talk now, there's an armadillo in my prayer garden. "
by JennDubs1 August 6, 2011
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