by mulchgangwhatsthename May 22, 2019
The people enjoyed the mulch.
by Senior Moose July 15, 2023
A sexual act between two lesbians. One lesbian, typically the dominant one in the relationship, proceeds to defecate on the vagina of the other lesbian. The two then proceed to scissor, smearing the fecal matter over both of their vaginas. Oftentimes the two lesbians will not shave their pubic hair for a few weeks prior, building up a bush to place the "mulch" around.
by AnonoJon December 29, 2011
splattered poo that sticks to the back of the toilet bowl after flushing. Frequently chunky and/or fibrous, thus resembling the landscaping product.
by senior lipschitz January 30, 2005
When the dubstep beat is dirtier than dirt and filthier than filth that the bass waves seem to radiate heat and pure stankiness, similar to a large pile of dank mulch.
by mulch queen September 16, 2016
to destroy another individual or group at sports, fight or just life in general.Also can be used to describe how fucked up you were the night before or how fucked up you will get in the future.
by Weebls Wobble February 17, 2011
A group of men (five guys minimum) go to a cemetery and dig up a recently buried body. Everyone proceeds to have sexual intercourse with the dead body. After every man ejaculates in the hole (normally the vagina), the men draw straws. Whoever gets the shortest straw puts their mouth up to the hole and the other four men push on the stomach, letting all their cum push into the awaiting mouth.
by TechnoKitten72 October 7, 2013