
there are misters in line at six flags
by ~Jason~ May 25, 2004
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Mister Mister

1. The immediate loss of male sexual capability resulting from unintentional eye contact between two males during a three-way sexual encounter with a female. Erectile dysfunction and intense feelings of self doubt often compromise the affair, and an unrelenting awkwardness prevails in most occurances.

2. Also produced by any contact of one male penis with another.
Jimmy and I were tag-teaming the dogshit out of this little piece of trash. As one point, our dongs rubbed together causing us to look up. Unfortunately our eyes met, and a very intense case of Mister Mister set in. Neither one of us finished, and we kicked her ass out. I have not spoken with Jimmy in over 5 weeks, and I am not sure that I ever will again.
by eggdeath September 20, 2011
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To long for another;to feel empty without
I told my girlfriend when I was in jail that I mister!
by Little K and Big Willey April 29, 2008
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this is the phrase used when the mister mister lady jumps on the bonnet of Happy Gilmoures car....! it is also used when anyone jumps on a car bonnet.
Vixster: look annie BOOMER
annie: (jumps on bonnet) MISTER!!!
by Rwolbic May 10, 2005
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Mister P

Mr. Penis, One-Eyed Trouser Snake, Anaconda, Truncheon, Leroy, Donkey Kong, Meat Puppet, Custard Launcher, Moby Dick
Mister P is always fuckin w/ me.
by Shougo February 12, 2022
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mister finger

When you are talking to someone and in mid sentence the other person interrupts you and starts talking about something completely different.
I was talking to my brother about my bad day at work and he mister fingered me and started talking about his new car.
by jb72 May 30, 2013
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Mister Oklahoma

Euphemism for a female masturbating.

It is derived from the shape of the American state of Oklahoma and its resemblance to a hand with a protruding finger that can be used to stimulate the vaginal cavity.
"Well, Johnny canceled our date to go take care of his sick mom," Elizabeth complained.
"That asshole!" her friend Jayden exclaimed.
"I was fucking horny too," Elizabeth replied.
"You can always take Mister Oklahoma out tonight."
by Nutzen YerMouf February 17, 2018
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