20 definitions by Shougo

Captain Twistie is a Revenant perceived as a dysphoric entity that pervades your consciousness. A powerful negative energy that's never far off.
Captain Twistie haunted your waking dreams.
by Shougo February 6, 2022
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A wannabe gangsta who ain't shite.
The pub was jammed with nothing but trendy feeks.
by Shougo March 13, 2022
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What some foken wanker shouts after being pulled over by the PO lice.
by Shougo March 6, 2022
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Sertraline aka Zoloft (Sir Loft) works by increasing the levels of Serotonin a neurotransmitter in the brain. It works better controlling anxiety and panic symptoms however than depression. Side effects are more common than the literature suggests including weight gain, hair loss, decreased libido and xerostomia (whatever the fuck that is). Then there's the Sertraline Discontinuation Syndrome that includes a particularly nasty feature called brain zaps or flips, that feels like an electric shock passing through your brain.
You're still on the Sir Loft aren't you, you got those dead eyes and ashen skin.
by Shougo April 1, 2022
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A sense of detachment from reality, where surroundings appear distorted, perceptions are twisted and strangely disturbing. You may feel like you're trapped in a nightmare, enshrouded in a fog where time and space are slowed.
You know life is shite when in the grip of a derealisation episode.
by Shougo March 24, 2022
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An unholy realm peopled by phantoms, spirits and ghosts that are in a perpetual disturbed state, awaiting execution.
Only in the Shadowlands can what you seek be revealed.
by Shougo February 23, 2023
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Used to describe when you're verbose, garrulous, loquacious and can't spell.
Sorry I was a little wordly and antipathetic last night..it was all part of God's plan.☘️
by Shougo April 30, 2022
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