Used when someone gets wrecked hard. First brought about at E3 2013 when Sony destroyed Microsoft at the expo. Typical usage includes: trash talking in online games, trash talking in real life, describing someone's final grades, etc
Dude A: -goes 0-13 in CoD-
Dude B: "Dude, you got microsofted so hard"
Dude A: "Fuck you"
by Dinged June 17, 2013
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When again and again you get screwed by Microsoft apps and repeatedly get into Catch XXII scenarios - for instance move a picture in a Word document and the whole thing shifts and disappears.
I can't run the 32bit install because I have some apps in 64bit and vice versa, I guess I got microsofted again.
by L'Agneau October 18, 2018
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Suzy was disappointed to see John had a microsoft.
by Lord_G September 26, 2017
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Organisation bent on world domination masquerading as a software company.

See also Bill Gates; Windows
by Alien Entity September 22, 2002
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A slur word against windows and any other Microsoft services users
Hahaha, he must be a Microsoft, he uses windows!
by ManOfDiamond September 4, 2022
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A large terrorist organisation, hell bent on producing software that crashes and works slowly. Some of their more evil tactics over the years include waiting until just before you click the save button to make the screen go all blue for no reason, but more subtle tactics include waiting until you start to work, then annoying you with a sodding paper clip.
Josh: "I'll just get on with some work..."
Microsoft Paperclip: "Hello!"
Josh: *I'll just ignore him, and he'll go away*.... *starts to type*
Microsoft Paperclip: "Do you want to write a letter?"
Josh: "No."
Microsoft Paperclip: "Okay, do you need some help with that?"
*clicks on hide, paperclip dissapears*...*begins to work...*

... 2 minutes pass ...

Microsoft Paperclip: "Hello!"
by RICCARD October 9, 2005
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