16 definitions by Alien Entity

Literally, one whose wit (intelligence) is fucked. Generally used as a term of abuse.

See also fucker, wanker, politician, arsecandle
by Alien Entity September 22, 2002
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Term of abuse coined by Chris Morris, creator of The Day Today and Brass Eye
You complete wankstains, you utter bunch of arsecandles
by Alien Entity September 22, 2002
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1) The ultimate verbal expression of frustration
2) Utter rubbish
3) 'dog's bollocks' - can't be bettered
As a swear-word bollock is the dog's bollocks
by Alien Entity September 22, 2002
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Organisation that is fucking your life up, fucking the world up and must be destroyed.
by Alien Entity September 22, 2002
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An individual area of Usenet containing text posting vaguely related to the defined subject for the newsgroup. Web equivalent is a message board
by Alien Entity September 22, 2002
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1) Form of 4-wheeled transportation
2) Knob on wheels for sexually inadequate men
3) Device for destroying the environment
by Alien Entity September 22, 2002
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One who posts a deliberately provocative message to a newsgroup or message board with the intention of causing maximum disruption and argument
by Alien Entity September 22, 2002
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