
The same as a cougar except over the age of 50.
Barney: Come on, dude, your mom is a cougar!
Robin: Wait, I thought you said a cougar can't be over 50.
Barney: Okay, she's a mellencamp.
by Cap Daddy January 23, 2011
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That lady's too young and hot to be a cougar; she's still a Mellencamp.
by Civixen March 9, 2008
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An older lesbian with bad 80's hair, often a salt-and-peppered feathered permed mullet.

This term is short for a John Cougar Mellencamp.
Dude, your mom is such a Mellencamp! Check out the REO Speedwagon shirt she wore out to the bar. Has her hair style changed since '86?
by Ross9 October 11, 2010
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To take a dump so large that the prostate is stimulated and the male ejaculates a little while taking the shit. Called a mellencamp because "it hurts so good."
Man I just took a mellencamp!
by therealstatz July 6, 2009
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John Mellencamp

A sexual act that causes pain. e.g. A fellatio with the use of to much teeth can cause pain to the genitals. John mellancamps hit song " hurt so good".

"Come on baby make it hurt so good
Sometimes love don't feel like it should
You make it, hurt so good"
Cool guy: Bro, my girl came over last night and gave me a John mellencamp!

Other cool guy: Ouch!!

Cool guy: yea my penis has been sore all day.
by Can-o-Pee November 24, 2017
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When a person has a Head Like A Hole by the band Nine Inch Nails that is full of Holy Water and the size of a Watermelon with a giant John Mellencamp, they have a Head Like A Holy Water Mellencamp.
"Thou shalt not forsake my Head Like A Holy Water Mellencamp under the rug!"

Judy: "Hey, Donna? Do you like that song called "Head Like A Hole" by Nine Inch Nails?"

Donna: "Sure! It's ok!"

Judy: "What about Holy Water? Do you like that?"

Donna: "I guess so! Why do you ask?"

Judy: "I just wanted to know if you wanted some. Say, do you like Watermelons?"

Donna: "Yes. You know I do. What are you getting at?"

Judy: "Nothing, but I scored some tickets to see John Mellencamp tomorrow. Do you want to go?"

Donna: "That would be awesome! Sure, I'll go!"

Judy: "Great! Don't forget to pack your Head Like A Holy Water Mellencamp!"
by ANOTHERDEADROMEO February 26, 2023
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When something on your body hurts and it gets attention.Say your back hurts and your ole lady rubs it hard, it hurts it to be rubbed but also feels real dam good. Like the song from John Cougar Mellencamp HURTS SO GOOD
OMFG baby you rubbing my sore back MELLENCAMPS like a Mother Fucker
by BIKER CHOP October 3, 2017
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