
a. An all around hot, sweaty, and gross feeling
a.I felt very measty after running in the summer heat.

b.The 300 lb. girl in the short skirt dancing looks very measty.
by Ryan Kelso September 9, 2007
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The smell omitted when one passes wind after consuming a Dominos pepperoni pizza. Its meaty and beastly.
Not long after Zak had finished devouring his supersized stuffed crust pepperoni pizza in the back of the car, he turned to Nicki, grimace on face, hands wafting, and said 'Maaaan I just let rip a real Measty one! Get a load of that!'
by Hotsauceonmyburrito! May 12, 2010
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adj.- thick, gnarly facial hair; commonly used to describe wicked beards
santa claus rocks a wicked measty beard
by Ronziotis dictionary May 1, 2009
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Measty is the highest level that should be used in public it is 10x shmeasty
Person one: who is that comin-

Person two:shhhhhh who is that coming off the pick n roll *sings in angelic voice*

Person one: yo voice beautiful

Person two: man you complimenting a man that is so Measty
by joeontheSOR July 8, 2023
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