McCarthy Is A Irish Surname Meaning Loving It Was First Found In County Cork That's In Ireland And The Coat Of Arms
Is A Red Reindeer
Is A Red Reindeer
by this girl on tonya 98 May 8, 2010
When a man interrupts a woman in whatever she's doing to spontaneously kneel, remove her panties and proceed to blow her mind.
Alexis walked into the kitchen to do dishes when Seth grabbed her and took her to another world.
Alexis: I can't believe you just mccarthied me!
Alexis: I can't believe you just mccarthied me!
by Intheatik October 30, 2012
by slamcastle April 7, 2018
by APbL3 D$CE August 9, 2008
"damn mccarthy your shits weak!"
by nellie the elephant January 6, 2008
by M. Price December 29, 2005
Two United States Senators with very different backgrounds and accomplishments:
1) Joseph McCarthy. Vilified by liberals since the 1950's for his investigations into Communist infiltration of the U.S. government, but was later vindicated when the Russian government released secret KGB documents after the Soviet Union collapsed. "McCarthyism" is named after him.
2) Eugene McCarthy. Ran for the Democratic Party's Presidential nomination in 1968 and opposed the war in Vietnam.
1) Joseph McCarthy. Vilified by liberals since the 1950's for his investigations into Communist infiltration of the U.S. government, but was later vindicated when the Russian government released secret KGB documents after the Soviet Union collapsed. "McCarthyism" is named after him.
2) Eugene McCarthy. Ran for the Democratic Party's Presidential nomination in 1968 and opposed the war in Vietnam.
"I'm giving you an 'F' on your paper on Senator McCarthy."
"But, professor, I worked really hard on it!"
"Yes, I know, but you wrote about the wrong one."
"But, professor, I worked really hard on it!"
"Yes, I know, but you wrote about the wrong one."
by Gahmuret January 21, 2007