
When Prince changed his name to the symbol he combined the old symbol for woman (Venus, the archetypal woman) and Man (Mars, the archetypal man). So, the symbol is pronounced MarVen for Mars and Venus.
Hey, MarVen, you're such a tool.
by Plasmacobalt January 22, 2006
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"hey is that marvene?"
"yeah! she's so pretty!"
by uhimbored January 20, 2021
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The best boy on earth that’s my baby . I love him , he make me feel happy . Y’all , get you a Marvens .
Stranger - my bf cheated on me

Janiya - that’s tough , you need to get you a Marvens
Stranger - where do I find one of those ??
by jayyleeeeee527 January 21, 2021
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Marven is the Boy, who is quiet in class and doesn‘t make any drama, but still catches your attention. His voice is the definition of „calm“. If you know him he shows you what a kind person he is and always has your back.
He can be crazy tho, and loves to go on Partys with the right people.

People fall easy in love with him, even if he dosen‘t know that a lot of them are flashed by the first eye contact.
„omg do you know him?“
Yess, thats Marven“
by 222t.p November 22, 2021
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A Pakistan guy that would yell at the mic if you do something wrong in a game
Are you playing with Marven?

Yeah hes raging like a dog
by nehue October 31, 2020
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The most cutest guy ever. He may seem like a nerd but he has a caring heart. He will make you fall in love and lead you on but will come back. He loves video games. And he always makes sure his hair is okay. do not try to backstab him , best friend cares about you.
Wheres marvens we miss him
by hhfhjjkbjgjgtd4 November 23, 2021
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Marvens dick

A person with a very big dick. If you want a bf with a big dick date Marvens .
Has a very huge dick dat can’t fit inside of u.
Marvens dick is big
by Hehshezhdux November 29, 2021
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