A religious movement which has chosen shock-rocker Marilyn Manson as its living deity. Followers of this religion are known as Mansonites. The place of worship for Mansonites is a concert venue when Marilyn Manson performs. Other forms of worship include repeatedly listening to his music and adapting his lyrics into one's everyday vocabulary. There is no set dress code, although Mansonites have a tendency to dress at least partly in black. All other aspects of the Mansonites' life are up to them as individuals to decide upon and they are free to cease their belief at whatever time they deem it appropriate.
by FilmGeek1990 August 27, 2008
Dude that new blend got me so mansoned last night, that i lost my keys and my wallet
Look at your puffy red eyes dude, you're completely mansoned right now.
Look at your puffy red eyes dude, you're completely mansoned right now.
by NPB Chillin November 24, 2009
the procedure where you get ribs removed so that you can suck you're own dick, made famous by Marilyn Manson.
by Colin G. November 5, 2007
Manson is the stage name of Mike Waters. He is the right hand man/business partner of Bubba the Love Sponge. He is a multi-talented member of the long running comedy radio show “The Bubba the Love Sponge Show” based in Tampa Bay, Florida. He is known as “the best parody man” in radio, as evidenced by his prolific output of songs and comic bits.
by Dean Gallberry April 4, 2019
Realist nigga outta the bunch, a very loyal boyfriend who cares and will fight for what's his, doesn't give up so easy. Funny person, can't argue with him because you will never win, best jokester
by Nylah baker March 14, 2017
when used as a adjective can describe something that seems like charles manson or marilyn manson would do.
Kasie totally pulled a manson and was in a fridge.(reffers to a mrilyn manson pic)
He was all manson and wrote on the walls in blood(Charles manson refferance)
He was all manson and wrote on the walls in blood(Charles manson refferance)
by ChristineH. May 14, 2007
by rodeo September 14, 2005