Madeleine is a joyful, sunshiney soul that lights up any room she's in. She care's deeply for others, places a high value on relationships and connects with people so easily. She is goofy and messy, like her curly blond hair. She's a wonderful friend and room-mate.
"Wow, look at that beautiful girl, must be a Madeleine!"
"Let's be her best friend"
"I agree", meows a cat named Binx.
by MeganPersonKnowsMads February 12, 2019
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A woman who is extremely nice when you meet her. She's very sweet and caring at first, but she can be very harmful too. Developing too much emotions towards Madeleine is devastating if she does not feel the same towards you. Sometimes sly and lucrative, you may wonder why you talk to her. You thought she was so sweet and on your side, but after being nothing but kind and caring, she uses you. She's not afraid to treat people as a "means" and not as an "ends." Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer.
Bro, that Madeleine seems nice, but she might hurt you.
by NemoMeImpuneLacessit September 15, 2018
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A girl who is gorgeous and reliable, you can tell her anything and she won’t tell a soul. Her beauty can kill anything. She’s kind and loving and any man would fall in love with her. Her blonde thick hair and bright blue eyes will make you fall deeper in love. She’s a great friend and can make anyone smile! She might not be the smartest but she is the kindest. You will always see her with a smile on her face and that’s smile will put one on yours. She’s cute, pretty, hot, and just amazing. Boys and girls are all over her. If your friends with a Madeleine you’re the luckiest person alive.
OMG Madeleine... she’s just so nice she’s like a ball of sunshine!
by SummerJoy456 January 8, 2018
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That one short girl who fights people who try to test her and her friends. Has a big group of friends. Some of her friends would probably be named Jenna, Maia, or very girly or generic names. She’s a great friend but super fiesty.
YOO Whos that short girl?

That has to be a Madeleine!
by Cutie__ October 6, 2017
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A girl who’s mediocre in looks but has a bangin personality. She will make you laugh no matter your mood because she listens to people and finds out what they find funny. She’s typically very sexual/kinky and considers no topic taboo. Madeleines will always be very particular in how you pronounce their name.
They are brutally honest, they want you to know that their complements are genuine when they give them so they frequently state all the negatives they see. Madeleines are terrible at taking compliments but are usually good at most things because of their high IQs.
Despite their redeeming qualities they are usually very lazy, crazy, and all over the place. Very messy bitches.
Kira really needs to get her shit together, who does she think she is, Madeleine?

She’s a real Madeleine when it comes to honesty.

She cracks me the fuck up, what a Madeleine.

Damn, I’mma own my shit like a Madeleine.
by IQof159 July 6, 2019
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the most pure, incredible, trustworthy, and shmexyyy girl you will ever meet. she is so great she needs so little description
bruh... i met this chick from gc; she must be a madeleine
by bestbudski November 19, 2018
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