noun - Great TV show which taught the average person how to avoid a crisis using everyday household items.
verb - to use the limited resources around oneself to get out of an impossible situation.
verb - to use the limited resources around oneself to get out of an impossible situation.
n. - yes, i WAS locked in the meat locker, but i learned how to get out on MacGuyver.
v. - so there i was, tied to chair in the middle of a burning room. luckily, i was able to MacGuyver my way out with some chewing gum, a fedora hat, the rubik's cube, and a can of Spaghetti-O's.
v. - so there i was, tied to chair in the middle of a burning room. luckily, i was able to MacGuyver my way out with some chewing gum, a fedora hat, the rubik's cube, and a can of Spaghetti-O's.
by JP November 7, 2003
To improvise and make things with whatever mis-match material is at hand. This is a name made into a verb. MacGuyver was a television show where the main character (MacGuyver) made things to get out of sticky situations.
Bob: Hey Ted what's up?
Ted: Oh nothing much Bob, just MacGuyvering a nuclear reactor with these lemons and those paper clips, and that D-Cell battery.
Bob: Shit...
Ted: Oh nothing much Bob, just MacGuyvering a nuclear reactor with these lemons and those paper clips, and that D-Cell battery.
Bob: Shit...
by MacGuyvermannnn June 1, 2010
My shoes were in a terrible state of disrepair, but with a knife and some masking tape I MacGuyvered them into a cool pair of sandals!
by kid chameleon October 16, 2003
Powerful mullet-wearing 90s hero who could turn collections of random junk into weapons and other useful devices.
MacGuyver once used a tank of gasoline, a garden hose, and a piece of lead pipe to make a flamethrower.
by Anonymous September 21, 2003
A man that could build you ahouse with a cocunut and some chewing gum. Or take down a satellite with a potatoe and a shoe.
by Cowboy September 11, 2004
a tv show that started in '85 and went on for 8 seasons.
includes a mullet-weilding,duct-tape weilding man whom is remakably resoureful.
also helped start many popular stars of today such as Cuba Gooding Jr. and Terry Hatcher
includes a mullet-weilding,duct-tape weilding man whom is remakably resoureful.
also helped start many popular stars of today such as Cuba Gooding Jr. and Terry Hatcher
useing a paper clip, chewing gum, and a roll of duct tape, macguyver could rule the long as the gum wrapper was included
by jawsofboredem February 15, 2006
A sexual act involving some jumper cables, a dead hamster, 3 paper clips, 4 gallons of jergens lotion, 2 bicycles without seat, 4 men docking, 3 guys with machine guns, 4 machetes and a piece of bubble gum
by Louzealand July 13, 2008