Used in place of "LOL" in Trade Channel Horde side on the Bonechewer World of Warcraft server. Originated when the character Loff protested Cuddlyoprah's professed gayness.
by Belzira January 30, 2009
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A heightened term to suggest more-than-love, from the movie Annie Hall
"Love is too weak a word for what I feel -- I lurve you, you know, I loave you, I loff you, two F's, yes I have to invent, of course I -- I do, don't you think I do?" -- Annie Hall
by wendywoowho April 20, 2004
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A word expressing one's teddy-bear-like love for some person/object.
I loff spaceships from the bottom of my poor purple soul.
by (Elsa) May 2, 2005
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eye loff you \:
by sillyhead February 1, 2004
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a term spoken between two people who are past 'liking' each other and close to being in 'love'.
Juan: "Penelope, I loff you."

Jon: "I loff you neneng"
Jenn: "I loff you this much (spreads arms as far as humanly possibly)."
by jonrisos May 30, 2005
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A rarely used but extremely cool synonym for the word Love, derived from Jason Lee "The Chinese Canadian" and is used to express love towards all people.
I loffe u
To Jason with loffe
I just wanted to say hi and i loffe you!
by Shanerz March 24, 2003
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