by Phil0sopher June 3, 2015
A word used to describe something that was super duper cool. Originally popularized in a Vine, this word has become a common part of many young people's vocabularies.
by guinnypiggles December 25, 2017
Legitness is not a proper word found in common dictionary's besides ones people could easily edit
People of a younger age group will use this word to describe something that they find awesome
People of a younger age group will use this word to describe something that they find awesome
by AngryPatotos April 29, 2018
"that is legitness"
by Teamsaucesome November 28, 2016
by Dr. Pepper, James June 3, 2010
a shortened form of the word "legitimate". however, this term is nowhere near the real meaning of "legitimate", since it is commonly used to describe things as cool or extremely awesome.
by bridgeyy11 October 14, 2011