(1) n Lesbian+Labia, a lesbian vagina. (2) n A dike (out lesbian) or group of dikes. ie labians
Check out the grey mullet on that labian. Do you think the cuffs match the collar?
by Mike Lowe July 10, 2003
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1. (n) One who possesses labia, ie, a woman
2. (n) One who possesses characteristics of one who possesses labia
Bob: I'm tired, hot, bloated, hungry, and cranky. Like, all the time...
John: Oh, stop being such a labian...
by tojz June 29, 2005
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A lesbian who is attracted to other girls with good labia.
Derivatives include Loobian, a lesbian who enjoys loose and flappy labia, and a Shabian, a lesbian who likes short and neat labia.
Kate: I think I can see Sarah staring at that girls crotch.

Peta: Yeah I know, she's an inquisitve Labian.
by lebsianne October 8, 2010
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One of a kind girl. Very loyal, smart, cute, but fiesty, and wild at the same time. Labian is a girl that is "shy" but easy to talk to. Has an amazing smile and very hard to find. Not so easy to win her heart though. Labian is definitely a keeper!
by Lala10 July 9, 2017
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damn look labian over there,okay what do you want me to do ?
by sussypiqka November 22, 2021
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Typically a simple, short, beautiful girl. Somehow men are easily attracted to her and find it hard to get over her. Although, she is kind hearted and sweet. She is also low key mean and a bitch.
Labian, she’s the one!
by Lala10 October 4, 2020
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