
To be taken aback. Lost for words. Cannot respond at once. Incredulous. Surprised. Shocked. Shooked
When she told me what had happened, I was koofed.

When I seen the size of his penis, I was koofed.

When that fine boy asked me what my name was, I was koofed.
by 2GDDSS December 25, 2020
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at wall high school, it means "just kidding" or "psych!"
-"dude i banged your girlfriend this weekend"
"are you fucking kidding me!?"
by k00f69 December 6, 2010
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The hair surrounding a nipple.
My koofs were getting mad long so i had to trim them lol.
by ddreyyyyy April 30, 2012
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Bro, I just wanna koof.
Damn dude you koofed me!
by Biggles1234567 December 21, 2016
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The Koof

COVID-19, the disease caused by infection with the SARS-CoV-2 virus, aka the "novel coronavirus".
They went to a party where nobody wore masks, and now they've caught The Koof.
by Monseignore Laszlo November 6, 2020
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Many meanings. Kool. Gay People. Kool People. Kool Gay People. Gay Kool Gay People. hazel. Gay Kool Gay Kool People.
by nigger faggot lover July 17, 2018
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To strike someone down with brute force and strength using a weapon such as a green or red shell in an effort to sabotage an opponent in Mario Kart.
"Get koofed Toad!"
"Prepare to be koofed."
"I will koof you."
by Garies March 13, 2006
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