1. Wasting time BSing, talking, gossiping or harassing with a group of coworkers during work hours.

2. Commenting excessively about the mineature size of your coworkers genitalia because you are gay and have small penis envy.
1. "There are 7 coworkers talking in one cubicle... they must be kendlling."

2. "Did you hear him comment on my package? He's so kendalling right now."
by Swena January 18, 2008
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The act of being served many alcoholic beverages within the span of a few hours. Typically the act of being Kendalled involves Jell-O shots combined with an another alcohol. Most people do not recognize that they have been Kendalled until it is too late.
Jason isn’t hanging out with us today. He got Kendalled last night.
by jwilsonjx October 29, 2019
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Its when you finger someone's ass then wipe it on your shirt
Kendall stuck her finger in the cat butt and then wiped it on her shirt she pull off the kendall
by rayman23 October 30, 2013
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A beatiful girl with many friends. She is often crazy, but once you get to know her she is the most lovable people you will ever meet. Her funny attitude gives her countless friends. But don't be fooled by this witty personaltity, she can be the most romantic person ever. I seriously think I'm in love with this girl.
Boy 1: Did you see that beatiful girl pass by

Boy 2: Ya, she must be a Kendall
by YES THIS IS SO TRUE February 21, 2013
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The definition of Kendall is the better and more detailed definition of PERFECT. She has absolutely no flaws. even if she thinks she isn't perfect. trust me she is. when she blushes its the cutest thing ever. and when she smiles the world stops and stares in awe. when she laughs it's the sound of angels.
by MarkMemeKing December 1, 2017
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They the shit, they be pulling hella bitches and will snatch yours, they are good friends, is loyal no matter what so...
I wish I was a Kendall
by ABC Benny July 9, 2018
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An extremely beautiful girl, that underestimates herself. She is very popular and is very romantic. Kendall's always fall hard when they are in love, and its hard to get them to trust you. They are also extremely sexy. They appeal to older guys and extremely hot guys.
Dude 1: Did you see that beautiful girl?
Dude 2: Yea, thats Kendall. Isnt she sexy?
Dude 1: It doesnt look like she thinks so...
by godofmodernwarfare3 December 1, 2011
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