Possibly of German or Dutch origin. A synonym for shit/junk/rubbish. Can be used as an intesifier.
"What is this kaife?"
"How the kaife did he do that?"
"What the kaife..."
"Bunch o' kaife."
by TeamWolfpack February 21, 2005
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King of kings. A person that is unpredictable and capable of surprising you any moment. Their creativity and ability to create a spark in any situation makes them a born leader no matter what the situation.
He really acted like a kaif in that game.

He will grow up to be a kaif one day.
by kingkong91 April 28, 2011
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A person who is always there for everyone and the most loyal of people. But people take advantage of them and never really appreciate who they have.
I wish we all had a kaif in our lives.
by Crazy Beast!!! March 11, 2017
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A shiny boi who will betray his teammates and loves killing Stan
Aw shit, there goes Kaif, killing his friends.
by I_love_fluffing May 25, 2019
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An object that is used for describing a toy gentlemen and a chubby brown bear. Not much knowledge but the progressing. Kaifs are rare to find, so when you do never let go.
I want a kaif for Christmas

I want to hug a kaif because it is so chubby
by Ily__❤️ January 3, 2018
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A YouTuber who makes, in my opinion, really good content, yet only has about 591K subscribers.
Person 1 : Hey! Do you watch Kaif?
Person 2 : Who?
Person 1 : You're dead to me.
by Temrant September 25, 2020
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I'm going to Kaif all over this beach with my beer today.
by Kaifer May 20, 2011
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