
A college town in the conservative, bible-thumping, gun wielding Delta region of Northeast Arkansas. Located roughly 80 miles west of Memphis, Tennessee. Also known as Jonesboring and Jonesboogie, Rockansas. Made the news in the last decade or so for the "Jonesboro Witch Burnings" and a school shooting.
Jonesboro is a crappy place to live unless you are a right-wing, Southern baptist.
by Glad to be out of there July 31, 2008
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A city south of Atlanta, Ga, within Clayton County. It is the place that "Gone with the Wind" was supposed to have been set, so everything is called Tara.
The city is now a complete shit-hole.
Oh my God, your moving to Jonesboro? Do you own a gun?
by Bolt Vanderhuge June 3, 2011
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Jonesboro is in clayton county. the main hoods in jonesboro are tara blvd, valley hill, and oak run
the main entertainment for teens is "Da Clubhouse" on Tara Blvd
Has alot of dope boys and crazy people
real talk
The realest place in Clay Co is Jonesboro, most drug activity in relation to its size
second only to "Riverdale"
by D. Moni April 16, 2008
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An awesome small town in Maine. It has about 500 people, a restuarant, and a gas station.
by 1985 Chrysler LeBaron April 7, 2005
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Jonesboro Georgia

A place that is filled with people who actually like NASCAR and is FILLED with rednecks when a race is going on.
"Oh don't go to rednecks Jonesboro Georgia they have rednecks there,"
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this place is on another level of fucked up, from people starting the Anti-Queer Association and making national news, to the principle saying racist things, the civics teacher walking in on teenage boys getting dressed for sports, and freshman already being knock up. very similar to a zoo.
This means a certain place is hectic or crazy. “This place is like Anna Jonesboro Community High School”.
by SmallPPGang863 April 18, 2022
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Working Jonesboro

A phrase used to explain to your boss, that after taking off the previous Thursday-Friday, you also need the following Wednesday-Sunday off because you may not have the skills necessary for the current job.
“Oh man…I need another week off to go start Working Jonesboro to gain a MA-1 A tier victory
by Stephen McFolluo April 8, 2024
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