Eljay, a stupid boob boy wit a sense of humor. Laughs at the word dookie and is always on his computer
“Oh how’s that dude? I think his name was Eljay Jones?” “Idk i hope he died
by 1800beaner February 17, 2022
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Person 1: “Have you seen Felicity Jones outside of Rogue One?”
Person 2: “No, she’s only in boring things”
Person 1: “Oh damn, you’re missing out - she’s thicc af”
by ———//// January 16, 2023
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She is a nice when ever she want to be nice and she be means when ever she do mean and she is funny, she make people laugh 😂 ✋🏽
Amyricol jones is a rude person
by November 22, 2021
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A short girl who tries to fit in, but nobody likes her. She's either friends with a Grace or a Sally. She is horrible at every sport and doesn't know how to play them. She thinks she has some sort of body and thinks she can just get what she wants from crying all the time. She is very funny and wants attention but if you want to have fun bring someone other than an arriona
by AaBbRyRy November 4, 2021
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Izzy is hard to describe, she’s such an amazing person and words can’t do her justice. She is kind and caring and always knows how to put a smile on your face. You can talk to her about anything and she won’t judge you or talk behind your back. She’s always there for you and is so incredibly loyal, she will endure your long rants and lectures and not run away when you yell or shout. She’s so nice to everyone but will also help you hide a body without asking questions. When you're sad she’ll try and help and if she can’t will sit with you while you die inside. She’s incredibly smart and even though she tries to deny it very talented. She’s amazing at sports and has a stunning voice, and even with these amazing talents she never brags and always helps her slightly less gifted friends. Izzy is such an awesome person and a pleasure to be around.
The Gif is her fave one that she uses all the time.
"Who's that?"
"That's Isabel Jones"
by Hufflepuffgirl2112 December 27, 2021
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The opposite of keeping up with The Joneses. Doesn’t give a shit what anyone thinks and has rbf all the time.
That guy has the B Jones mentality
Pulling a b Jones and saying yolo
by Samilah August 5, 2021
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