When things happen that you don't know about that you would otherwise like to be a part of you are missing out.
When there is information that you have no way of knowing you are missing out.
He said I was missing out when I asked about "the party".
by ruaiingwee October 28, 2010
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Also known as "fomo". The fear that if you miss a party or event you will miss out on something great
Even though he was exhausted, John's fomo got the best of him and he went to the party.
Even though he was exhausted, John's fear of missing out got the best of him and he went to the party.
by wyldx August 15, 2015
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Also known as "fomo". The fear that if you miss a party or event you will miss out on something great
Even though he was exhausted, John's fomo got the best of him and he went to the party.
Even though he was exhausted, John's fear of missing out got the best of him and he went to the party.
by wyldx August 15, 2015
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A passive aggressive term used towards someone else who might be missing out on an event or deeper social group dynamic.
Mother: What’s the latest gossip with the Church Dating Service Events?

Son: It is wild. Women throwing themselves at men and arguing over who asked who out.

Ethan: I am oblivious to this happening.

Bob: Hope no one missing out!
by Slabshack December 1, 2018
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Fear Of Missing Out Potential Future Events also known as "FOMOPFE" is a mental state or emotional of strain.
When a Person have Fear Of Missing Out Potential Future Events this Person can't go to small events or enjoy time because they have the Fear of Missing Out larger events which could potentially happen.
Even though John is really exited to go to the Party he can't go to it because he got the fear of Missing other potentially happening event in the News/Media or if he goes to the Party he can't enjoy it because he keeps checking his Phone for News if something is happening he could miss.
> I can't go to the Party i have Fear Of Missing Out Potential Future Events
by sk1d.eu January 6, 2025
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