gilderoy and jill were smokin the jombi by the kindergarten
by antwon 78 September 21, 2006
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Apple Fanboy. Overzealous lover of over-priced Apple products that mindlessly follow Steve Jobs as he commands them. A Jobs Zombie, hence, jombie.
Hey, that guy has an apple sticker on his car, right next to a bio-diesel sticker, must be a jombie.
by joeyblazed May 28, 2010
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Jomby loves to sit in the sun and grow.

I watered Jomby today.
by nickinoodles August 6, 2008
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the word Zombie pronounced by anyone who cant say the "Z" sound. Although in US not many may understand the term "Jombie" in Asia, the locals will only understand "Jombie" instead of Zombie.
(Term used mainly by F.O.B. Asians.)
Lude! There are hella jombies at the joo.
(Dude! There are hella zombies at the zoo.)
by Rob Jombie October 14, 2006
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A very fast zombie. First created when watching 28 Days Later at 4 in the morning and mistaking Jim for a zombie.
See zombie
by Rob (Danger Man) March 28, 2005
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The most extreme version of grinding, usually requires a monster energy, a fuckable dog and an Asian tryhard.
Juma loves Jombies.
by Lilliflol January 14, 2019
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A botched name given to describe Nazi German Zombies
"Holy FUCK DUDE! I was playing Call of Duty and a ZERMAN JOMBIE just ate my fucking face!"
by Felix Greene April 5, 2009
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