In 1492 John Elway descended from Valhalla and discovered Colorado. He immediately started bottling his piss( also known a Coors original) and shitting out ford dealerships. John was a humble deity so he let other teams win until his final two years in the NFL. he did this by taking 500 vallume and drinking 300 beers before every game, any less and the Denver broncos would win games by 6000 points. Then in 1998,99 he cut the dose in half, this is why he single handily destroyed the packers and falcons. John Elway now resides on top of Pikes Peak controlling the outcome of all sporting events….. the browns will never win a super bowl.
by wrastlor December 30, 2011
When your having sex "switch hit" and put it in her ass. She either rolls with it, or you have a problem on your hands. Execute it with the precision of the great John Elway.
by J ROG809 October 4, 2010
A better QB than Marino(Elway actually used his team), known for blowing the colts away by not joining them, then got humiliated in 3 SBs til' he won 2
He let Terrell Davis(2,008 yards) get some carries and that equaled rings, Dan let no one really get carries and that equaled records and no rings.
by Your mom March 28, 2005
John Elway is the greatest
by Bob February 17, 2004
The John Elway is a type of grenade throw in Call of Duty 4 (or any first-person shooter) where the thrower blindly heaves a high-arcing grenade that results in a kill.
by meansparty May 16, 2010
by ribman October 16, 2006