She is smart. She is open minded, trustworthy, and dedicated. She cares deeply for her family. She is a great friend. She understand you. Shes has lots of friends and comes off as mean or intimating but she's actually nice and sweet. If you ever meet her, be nice and she will do the same. She is the greatest girlfriend in the entire world but don't provoke her otherwise you'll experience something (Evil Smirk).
Girl1: Johanie is here...
Girl2: Be nice to her, she's kinda mean.
Girl1: I don't think she's mean...she looks strict.
by Wannah August 18, 2021
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Gorgeous, understanding, smart, super sarcastic, pretty, doesn't like touchy people, great dancer, likes talking, strange, weird, cooler than everyone else in their school, awesome
by Katelyn Lipton December 9, 2012
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A person that can be sensitive at times. They can be very kind. They have this soft spot for their friends or loved ones safety.

If you know a Johani, make sure you never let her go.
She seems like a Johani.
by Jojo_Amaya March 2, 2018
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An amazing, beautiful, smart girl that is ALWAYS loyal to everyone. Johany likes to wear black all the time and is quiet, She laughs a lot with her Friends, and doesn't like it when people touch her, only trusts certain people in her life and cares about people. Also she can be walking down the street and you'll say " DAMNNNN LOOK AT HER!!!!!!!!!!*lemme get them digits*"
Johany: is a keeper
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a group of prophets that start revolutions in any city they reach, also known as Ezekiel, Jeremiah, Isaiah, Teribitha, Macrotites, and Prichardson.
The Johanis' tears cure aids.
by JIMY!@#$# February 7, 2008
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