
Bro Shim was absolutely JESTING his birthday cake
by Nkululeku April 21, 2022
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by larstait October 30, 2003
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oi man, stop jesting
by Adam April 7, 2004
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Jest says it all really.
by bajestasorjest June 10, 2020
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you giv me bare "jests"
i catch so much "jests" pon road
by Melanie March 9, 2004
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A jean vest. Also known as a denim vest. Very hideous. In the 1970's and 80's often people would sport Jests with rhinestone jewelry sewn in on the back. Widely shunned since the late 90's, Jests are currently only worn by bikers, homosexuals, and serial killers.
"Honey, I don't want you dating that boy. He wore a jest, so he's either a fag or a serial killer"
by Ampollino September 27, 2007
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(verb) the act of literary men and women reading and discussing "Infinite Jest" by David Foster Wallace.
Man: How goes the jesting?
Woman: Jesting continues at good speed. Home stretch here.
by ocuppy_urban February 26, 2012
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