When your friends use you for the homework answers but now don’t need them anymore so they leave you on delivered
oh look, she has no-onelikesme itis
by the best.com February 3, 2021
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When a niece or nephew begins to experience physical distress due to separation from his/her favorite uncle. This can manifest in the form of nightmares or oftentimes, severe crying. Only the reuniting of said uncle and niece/nephew will cure this disease.
Oh no! Maya and Odelia are developing a bad case of uncle-itis. Better get Rami back home soon.
by crembo February 1, 2023
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A condition of a raver when they can't get out of the same dance move.
Man that dude's got the shuffle Itis. It's contagious. I don't wanna catch that shit. I'm a shuffle-free dancer.
by Julio-Maximus July 30, 2019
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The desease that you catch when you get so baked that anything that is written out(letters,numbers,words) appear written backwards.
Keegs- Dude I was driving home on the highway last night after that mango kush. I could've swore I was going 06 miles per hour! I had a serious case of Backwards-Itis Brah!

Thurgood- Ah, you crazy man, you crazy!
by keegs21 April 20, 2010
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Scare-ity – Same meaning as fear. Being scared of something, to have a phobia.
Example1: Spiders are one of my scare-ities.

Example2: Scare-ity is a word made up by a drunk man named Larry that can’t think of the word fear or phobia.
by Latina_Lorie August 20, 2009
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When you know that you are that nigga and no one can prove you different. It’s very contagious and should only be spreaded to thoose who really deserve it. POINT. BLANK. PERIOD.
Sorry i can’t share my drink i got real-nigga-itis.”
by lil baby p April 8, 2019
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A word used in the same context as epicness.
That place was overflowing with epic-sis-ity! Also see dubya speak
by mooby muffen June 30, 2010
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