Painful shards of concentrated hell cemented to your teeth for an amount of time that is never short enough. They are put there by sadistic psychopaths that enjoy inflicting pain upon others. Even after they are removed, the pain does not stop. It cannot be that easy, as you must wear a retainer for at least an eternity.
Braces are concentrated pain.
by ThisPseudonymIsMine August 27, 2014
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She cant give him head... shes got braces.
by Emily November 17, 2003
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Torture devices that are suppose to straighten your teeth (or not). You'll be expecting frequent visits to a person you can/may never trust AKA the Orthodontist and they try to be nice by letting you change colors, 2 or more years of living hell, sacrificing eating some of your favorite foods, excessive pain, and your inner cheeks and lips being cut up by these. Consider yourself lucky if you don't have tooth/biting problems, but for those who do, beware and hope you don't get braces.
Guy 1: Hey I got braces and they hurt like hell.
Guy 2: Damn that really sucks. I heard you can't eat Doritos and popcorn with these or the wires bend and they make you wear 'em for 2 or more years.
Guy 1: Yeah. I might have to wear these longer if they do get bent. :(
by RSanYon March 4, 2010
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Devices of hell used by orthodontists claiming they will make you look "beautiful"
Friend 1:Hey I'm getting braces!
Friend 2:Oh Lord Help Us!
Friend 1: Wha...
by ninjaskwarrior November 16, 2005
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Common identifier on female indicating that she is not legal to have sex with.
Common identifier on male indicating high probability he will not be fucking anyone.
Generally a serious cockblocker.

Nerdy form of fronts or grills.
Defendant: I didn't know she was 16.
Judge: She had on braces for fuck sake.
Defendant: Did you just curse? Does that mean it's a mistrial?
Judge: Fuck no. Your ass is still going to jail.

Teen1: I just got braces.
Teen2: You a gansta now?
Teen1: (Sad Face)No....this means I'm not getting pussy.
by Feckel Matters October 17, 2007
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Metal brackets hand made by demons and certified by satan himself. Satan assigns certain demons called orthodontists to place these torture devices onto unsuspecting good hearted peaple of planet earth. The metal brackets are used to hold a special bars or wires that go accross the teeth. It's litterally like being place behind bars, imprisoned in a paranoid state of pain and discomfort. I'd rather be placed behind bars in a state penitentiary than placed behind bars by an orthodontist. what a waste of money and time. I've been in braces for over 3 years now and had oral jaw surgery and it's destroyed my life. I cant talk, eat or do anything with my life I'm seriously thinking about killing myself.
Braces are worse than getting your guts pulled out and served to starving children while you watch.
by Adam1 October 12, 2006
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metal train tracks used to make teeth straight so you dont end up looking like your british.
She calls them "braces", I call them "double decker pecker wreckers."
by knucklehead April 10, 2005
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