The undeniable need to take a dump that happens after one has held it back for as long as one can. The state of mind when one's bowels decree that they must be evacuated immediately.
self -"I really don't want to use a gas station bathroom..."
ass -"poo-imperative!!"
self -"dag yo"
by AKAStavros November 6, 2009
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A definition with teeth.

Professors will have you study this forever. Here's what you need to know. It means what it sounds like: an imperative (commandment) that you either follow, or you'll be reclassified as immoral.

Kant had his, and many people think his was the only one, but it's not true. A categorical imperative is a definition-based morality. Even the Utilitarians use them.
What will happen if I do something immoral?

You'll have done something immoral.

Oh, it's a categorical imperative.
by May 4, 2009
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The phenomenon of categories traversing from the future.

Right-action as appearing-from-the-future.
The hyperthetical imperative states that "doing the right thing" comes from the future.
by metawave October 27, 2019
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Where the united states forces it's culture on other contries.Most other contries have a backward culture.For example in the middle east in some contries they will chop off your hand for even stealing a loaf of bread and in africa where they cut up women's pussies and call it female circumcision.
by Deep blue 2012 November 10, 2009
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The reason for being if you are a male.
Common evolution theory states that the man's instinct to copulate overrides all but the most basic functions of survival. If you’ve ever been a member of a fraternity you understand.
by JohnnySix January 27, 2003
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That to which two metric fucktonnes are equal.
I have three metric fucktonnes' worth of iron, or rather, 1.5 imperical assloads.
by AvidElephant55 August 27, 2009
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