
Shortened way of saying"I guess".
Person A: "What did you get on the quiz?"
Person B: "5/7"
Person A: "That's pretty good."
Person B: "ig"
by SneezyEel349067 January 8, 2018
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Typically used in texting to represent the words "I guess so"
Guy: hey do you want to go to the movies later?

Girl: igs I don't have anything better to do
by AnonymousMan24 February 13, 2017
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This word is short for I guess and in some rare cases instagram.
Person 1: ig kyle doesnt like me

person 2: Yeah i saw a pic of him with another girl on ig. Sorry boo!
by yeppitydeppity September 8, 2020
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Ig can also mean "I guess"
Jeff: Yo is she hot
Bach: ig
by Jobach February 22, 2015
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guy: ig we are going to eat poop
other guy: noooooooooo why :((((((((((
by notcoolguy123 October 10, 2020
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Shortened form of "Instagram."
e.g. Facebook = FB, Instagram = IG, and so on.
by i-love-food December 21, 2012
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(igd) v. abbreviation for 'ignored'
Dude: I tried to hit on Sue but she igged me and just walked away.
Other Dude: So?

Chat room dude: If you continue using caps and that huge font you're gonna be igged.
Chat room asshole: FUCK YOU BITCH!!
Chat room dude: That's it. Now you're igged.
by Nedd Ludd August 23, 2005
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