
by Katbalu December 18, 2021
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Ig is the great Vulture with cushy feet who watches over us all and protects us in his mighty wings.
There is but One Ig, his mighty beek smites those who would blaspheme. His Beady Eyes, can give a pericing look that will turn even the stong to mere wimpering blobs of misery. Ig is the holder and caretaker of the EYE of Ig, a stone of great power worn about his neck. See also Church of Ig
Oh Mighty Ig forgive us our missteps and hold us in your mighty wings. AMEN
by Father L. Church of Ig June 9, 2006
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Ig is a word that can be used in any context. It is used to replace any word in the english language if one has forgotten a word. Theoretically, for this reason, ig is and will be everything to ever exist.

When said in slow motion, it is spelt 'IGG' and spoken in a deeper tone with aggression.
regular use: "I will find the, uh, ig."
if ig replaces every word in the english dictionary: "ig ig ig ig ig ig ig IGG ig ig ig ig ig ig."
by roamn_weezer June 17, 2023
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Ig the game wasn’t too bad
by Kate2197 May 14, 2020
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-Do u have ig?
-I added u a month ago
-Oh ._. I see
by P1nkwa91na:* October 7, 2018
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She said let’s go out tonight , I told her ig.
by Islandergal April 7, 2019
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The act of being ignored
Why are you igging all of my phone calls.
by yuhateme January 20, 2014
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