
A term often used in text as an abbreviation of the 3:
1. I guess.
2. Instagram.
3. In game.
1. ig we can do that
2. do you have ig?
3. do you wanna talk ig?
by EarthasaurusRex March 25, 2020
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Shortened version of the app instagram.
Hey what’s ur ig user?
by Hamilton&Eggs January 7, 2019
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Joe blames everything on someone else--he suffers from IGS.
by Ann_Hedonia October 9, 2008
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Tom: Yo I'm bored af and have nothing to do this weekend.

Max: Yooooooo we gotta hit that likker and do something ig

Tom: The ignancy has landed
by Bag of Screws February 1, 2020
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Ig or I guess is the phrase used to respond to someone when they explain what you're doing but not exactly.
Person 1 "So you're playing 4 in a row with a robot?" Person 2 "ig"
by Xx_dark_lord_xX September 26, 2021
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I.G. Mostly means instagram but in some cases it means I guess. For example my Instagram is Hi_its_seth_ig meaning I guess but easily could be mistaken for Instagram.
Owen: Dude what’s your ig
Me/Seth: I think it’s Hi_its_seth_ig

Owen:ok thanks
by Im_aN_alChemiSt? May 6, 2019
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Intoxicated Graffiti Soldiers, Insane Graff Squad, Indo Grass Smokers, I Go Spray, Intense Graff Style, Infinite graffiti styles, I've gone scribbing. A graffiti family/squad that reps from the bay to the valley.
I just seen a sicc piece from a member of the IGS krew.
by Fume209 September 23, 2019
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