
The term people use when they can't be fucked to insult another. (lazy insult)
Fat guy: Hey Ben
Ben: Yeah?
Fat guy: Your an idot.
Ben: Your a lazy fat shit eating faggot.
by Mt WAlkeer September 6, 2008
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A person that thinks of others as idiots even thought they are the true idiots
Daniel keeps calling his younger brother and idiot even though he just gets a bunch of help from his mom to get good grades and looks smart.

Daniel is an idot.
by nleathegreat1 January 24, 2011
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A person that chooses to talk down on others and how dumb they are, yet can't spell words like idiot, moron, or dumb. So all they accomplish is making themselves look stupid and ignorant.
That girl Alisha said that she was not dum, and that you were an idot and a moron.
by Idotbasher1233 June 1, 2012
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A person that comes onto a message board or enters a chat room with the sole intention of insulting its members. This person then goes on to demonstrate their stupidity by spelling idiot as idot and moron as moran. Wyandotte Wusscat is one such idot and moran.
I can't believe the guy that was in here the other day, he was an idot AND a moran.
by Ozark July 15, 2004
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bro u is idot
by koano5 July 1, 2020
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a person who is unbelievably stupid, but still loved by everyone in the group, either despite or because of that stupidity.
Yoda: 1+1=3
sebi: @Yoda youre such an idot, i love you
Yoda: thats gay
sebi: no u
by asasasasass July 8, 2021
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an idot a variation of the word idiot, which means a stupid person, yet it can be taken as a compliment when used in certain ways such as comparing u to certain people that begin with a T.
1: "I can show you the idot" - Aladdin

2: "oh wow, what a ping-spoofing idot" -Yashua
by the yuutie August 20, 2019
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