by ashie_ July 10, 2019
Idote is a word not so commonly used it means the same thing as stupid, idiot, dumb, baka, fool, imbecile, and bodoh,
by beegeejay September 20, 2020
A classic spelling mistake made by a 2nd year student whilst studying at Stantonbury Campus, Buckinghamshire.
After being told off for idiotic behaviour, and the teacher claiming said pupil was in fact NOT idiotic, he was instructed to complete 100 lines on the black board located at the front of the class room so all his fellow students could see. The 100 lines were to read " I am not an idiot" he then proceeded to write 100 times:
After being told off for idiotic behaviour, and the teacher claiming said pupil was in fact NOT idiotic, he was instructed to complete 100 lines on the black board located at the front of the class room so all his fellow students could see. The 100 lines were to read " I am not an idiot" he then proceeded to write 100 times:
by Quont May 17, 2010
Person A:Hey, did you hear about -insert name here-? They buy every new product Apple comes out with!
Person B: Man, they're such an iDot.
Person B: Man, they're such an iDot.
by TheL0rd0fSins September 4, 2010
A idot is a person who i sutpider then a idiot. Skeppy is famous for not only being the definition of this word, but using it quite often. This words version of "idiotic" is "idotic"
Skeppy is an idot.
by Maatau November 24, 2018
What Sam called Empirica by accident on the ODN forums when he made a typo and meant to call her an idiot then lied about it saying he meant to say iDot.
Often used to call people a idiot or just as a general derogatory term
Often used to call people a idiot or just as a general derogatory term
by Luigi|CLAM February 25, 2007