Something said or done that causes the black guy standing next to you to say:
"That's some ice cold shit, <name>!"
by Dr. Shatner June 6, 2004
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Noun. Slang. Gay alcoholic’s favorite drink. Instead of an ice cold beer.
Gay guy: bartender! Hand me that ice cold queer! The what?! The ice cold queer! It’s a gays favorite drink instead of ice cold beer!
by B-rizzle June 22, 2019
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An Ice Cold Jelly is an ice cold coconut from which you drink the coconut milk. When we were in Jamaica our cab driver was so nice that she actually drove us to an Ice Cold Jelly stand and bought us an Ice Cold Jelly with her own money, just so we could truly experience Jamaica, mon. A couple of straws and we were drinking straight from the nut. Truly heavenly, twas!
Pass me an Ice Cold Jelly!
by The Steel Pan Man June 24, 2009
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Someone who eats onion , who goes outside witouth a sweater and who Speech is generally hardcore.
Steven Is one Ice cold motherfucker , he ate an onion for lunch and went outside in winter with a t-shirt , also he made a dragon cry.
by KFCUnited September 22, 2010
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Poo that's as cold as ice!
I'm freezing my butt off, it's ICE COLD SHIT COLD!
by Kaffekopp May 5, 2008
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When your nipples freeze so hard they can break titanium into 16 thousand pieces.
"Man, it is so cold outside I could break glass with these ice cold hard nips!"
by Iliketoeatcatz October 16, 2022
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