by Idkwhodoyouthink January 9, 2018
I want to die is a statement said mostly by internet memers saying they are exhausted or tired because of somebody or something's act, it doesn't mean suicide, its just saying they are tired of it.
by Ebadlol July 1, 2020
When you like someone called jacob maurice because you are very dumb and feel sorry for the dumbass with that name
I want to die
by Jacob lol. September 12, 2020
by CockSucker9002 November 12, 2018
Erika: I want to die
Me: same
Me: same
by iwillbreakyoukneecaps.-. January 12, 2019
by uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhj October 9, 2019
My lifestory
"I want to die" "NOOO! 1! 1 DON'T END YOUR LIFE! 1! 1! 1! 1! 2! 2! 2!!! "
by XXWhaleguts January 15, 2020