That doofus who can't remember his lines. Ever.
"There was this one time I saw Homestar Runner punch a kitten in the throat! No, seriously!"
by Dan September 29, 2003
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He who speaks with some kind of european accent.
Hellû! I'm Homestawr Wrunnóh. Welcume tü Humestewwunnoh.nät!
by Yambalaya Jamendu November 25, 2003
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a guy from an awesome site. the site rocks, but not because of Homestar. Its the people AROUND Homestar.
by fhqwhgads September 6, 2003
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A website that stopped being funny back in 2003. Since then has become an overkilled cesspit of recurring jokes and predictible randomness. Still updated and thought of as funny among farkers and 12-year-olds.
Hey brothers Chaps, would you like a bigger paddle to beat this dead horse of a website? Fucking move on already.
by Ralph Mama May 4, 2005
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A cool character off is white, wears a beanie, shirt w/ a star on it, and has no arms and is a terrific athlete. Borrows fondue sets and has a baseball bat headed girlfriend named marzipan.
Has a speech impediment and is annoying and funny all at the same time.
Flagrant error! I don't know what you did, but you sure messed it up you moron. Uh Oh! This does not look good for the homestarrunner.
by lazyassloser April 16, 2004
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