Short for How Old Are You? It's used in text, mostly against a stranger or sometimes just a friendly question.
Stranger: I'm old enough to be here!
Me: oh really? hoay?
Stranger: ...
by Out_and_about December 10, 2013
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"whats your middle name ?"
"what a sexy motherfucking vietnamese middle name"
by BubbleTea-x March 7, 2009
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An adjective describing a very sincere, brave and caring Vietnamese woman. She is mostly known for her super cool ninja skills and has too much love in her heart.
Guy 1: My Vietnamese girlfriend just bought me a very nice gift.

Guy 2: Yeah, she's very hoai namish.
by htt January 6, 2012
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a very cute and humorous girl, she knows pretty sure how to care about others' feelings , always be generous with friends and family.
She really wants the people who she loves will love she back, cause she doesn't feel safe. But she always on full alert.
She doesn't like sharing her friends and studying
hoai anh is cute, she's worth loving.
by urban_pon November 21, 2021
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a wild child from Vietnam who came to america for refuge to get a better life, Hoai trans are usually short, and cute.
Did you see Hoai tran she is cute ASF!
by maestro69 December 7, 2018
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She has a beautiful eyes and personality. She is brave and stronger than you believe. Always keep the pain and secret in her heart. Broken heart. Fake smile. Depression. She is the one who allays care about details but not everyone can see it =(( She is sensitive and emotional , please don't hurt her .
Hoai Phuong is the most bravest girl i have ever seen.
by Rosamonde November 22, 2021
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